iPod touch 2.0.1 update

Avec iTunes, vous rencontrez peut-être des difficultés pour upgrader un ipod touch du firmware 1.1.5 au 2.0.1 que vous avez (légalement bien entendu) acheté. Les symptômes sont des erreurs itunes (numéros 6, 13 ou 1604 étant les plus fréquentes…) Vous avez tout essayé, y compris le mode DFU, mais impossible de faire cette mise à jour…

Il existe un workaround:

1. Disabled firewall/antivirus
2. Opened « Component Services » from Administrative Tools located in Control panel. Enabled « Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator » (I don’t think this step was necessary but it’s what I did)
3. Closed iTunes
4. Had iTouch connected to PC in the recovery screen.
5. Opened iTunes
6. iTunes detected the iTouch and asked if I wanted to « Restore & Update » and chose that option.
7. iTunes would extract software and then would hang on « Preparing iPod for Restore » (This is where most people hang when trying to install 2.0 I believe) and the iTouch will go through a quick flash and the screen should turn blank.
8. I opened up task panel (Ctrl+alt+del) to ended task on iTunes.
9. Leaving the iTouch connected run iTunes again and it should detect your iTouch and ask if you want to « Restore & Update » again and say yes or whatever and it should go through the whole update process.
10. It might take awhile for it to get past the « Preparing iPod software for update » portion so just be patient and it should work.

information trouvée ici: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1618389&tstart=0

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